An elderly resident surveys damage outside his property after it was looted and burnt.
A man stands on a wall built to protect his property from clashes between Kurdish and Turkman forces.
Fakr Amin's son Abdullah Fakr was killed during clashes between Kurdish and Turkman forces.
Sabah Lacky was wounded in clashes between Kurdish and Turkman militias. Here he says "I love fighting more than sex."
Shallal Abdul (standing), the Kurdish mayor of Tuz Khurmatu.
Haytham Hashem, a leader of the Iraqi Turkman Front in Tuz Khurmatu.
A wall across a main street separates Kurdish and Turkman districts.
Kurdish security forces guard the entrance to the mayor's office.
Children play near a wall separating Kurdish and Turkman areas.
A Turkman militiaman inside a burnt out house in a Turkman neighbourhood.
Maraj Emad, 12, sits beneath a bullet hole in her wall.
The leader of a Turkman militia.
A Turkman resident shows damage inside his home which was allegedly hit by fire from a Kurdish tank.
Burnt out cars and properties in a largely Turkman neighbourhood.
Iraqi militiamen from a peacekeeping force.
A man walks through the site of a grain silo.
A Turkman resident stands in an improvised fighting position.
Residents walk past a model in the market area.
Tuz Khurmatu in northern Iraq used to be home to Kurdish and Turkman populations. Rising tensions eventually led to the expulsion of the Kurdish population.